Young Men of Distinction

Helping to Create Generational Wealth & Empowerment

What We Offer To Assist Our Youth To Become Distinct

Teaching our youth life skills that can promote a positive life-style and career choices.

Mentoring held with some options that can work with the comfort level of many families.

Social & emotional skills to teach your children or teens about social acceptable behavior.

Lifelong learning happens when the child or teen is impacted by a positive approach in life.

Do not miss
any updates

We would include events coming up soon
, such as our Palm Beach County Food Bank Volunteer on 2024-10-03


Our Sponsors That Support Our Mission

Become a sponsor, fill out a form to get started.

Read Our Newsletters

Young Men of Distinction

Reading our newsletter keeps you informed on our scheduled events and what's happening. There is always more to read about our events and staying informed is how you stay tuned on what we do.


Check us out, we are featured in Huami Magazine Florida Read About Us

New Look for YMOD

new web design

A look for YMOD, fresh design with all pages responsive. The focus is to make it easier to navigate our website, find what you are looking for, search for it, look into a program, and become a part of something . . .

Available Courses

YMOD Education Courses

We have put programs into courses and offering new courses. They range from lifestyles to technology. These are taught by individuals that have working experience in the field or a combinations of education in . . .

Contact us

We'd love to hear from you!!! We welcome young and new talent into our organization. Contact us for anything related about what we do or getting involved, and we will be in touch within 24 hours.

P.O. Box 19494,
West Palm Beach, FL 33416.


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